With limited internal resources, companies with between 50 and 5000 insured employees located in multiple states are especially challenged to manage the complex flow of information between each of their offices, their employees' health care provider, and their insurance companies. Additionally, these companies have traditionally been under-serviced by large national providers, who tend to concentrate on single state employers or employers with more than 5000 lives.
In direct response to this market demand, America's Choice created a market-driven Internet platform that allows for the immediate flow of information between medical providers, ACH, its clients, and their employees. Because this platform allows employers, plan participants, physicians and brokers to access benefits information and transfer data securely, it allows companies to streamline operations and reduce administrative costs. Employee Benefit News (December 1998) states that business owners will realize estimated savings of $30 per employee per year (PEPY) as a result of employee eligibility self-service. America's Choice believes, however, that it saves employers far more than this because the scope of self-service on the site is far greater than simple eligibility management.